About Dr. Doris

About Dr Doris

Dr. Doris Nourmand is a board certified Emergency Physician with over 25 years of experience. She has worked at leading hospitals in the Los Angeles area.  She has now decided to take the critical skills which she developed as a ER physician and develop a new concept in integrative medicine. Her approach is a fresh take on aesthetics and wellness.  As an expert diagnostician, she has a keen eye for understanding potential problems that might impair a potential aesthetic procedure.


You are in expert, caring hands with Dr. Doris and her natural approach to beauty and wellness will not only transform your look, but also insure your whole body is supportive of any aesthetic procedure that you choose.

Concierge medicine

Planning your Treatment

Your comfort and safety are of the utmost concern at Dr. Doris. Please review your pre-treatment instructions and paperwork to learn more about how to prepare for your appointment and plan for your after care.

About the Practice

Dr Doris is located in Beverly hills with six state of the art treatment rooms with the latest technology from InMode Aesthetics, Hydra Facial and Eclipse International.

Dr. Doris Medicine & Aesthetics is a woman owned and operated business.

9721 Santa Monica Blvd

Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Tel: (310) 272-9988

Email: Info@DrDoris.com